Thursday, July 31, 2014

Slow ass neighbors!

  1. So 7 days have went by and i haven't seen my neighbors at they ain't messing wit me rite..well as i was outside feeding the birds(because the ducks hailed ass) they crossed my mind,i was like it's been quiet as hell ova there and just as i was talking to myself they came out the crib..i was about to jet to my crib but i was like no,. i know once they see me they was gone ask me somethin...g or tell me some crazy story and sure nuff here it goes lol..(first off, they thur out there nasty friends/roommates last week.) So she comes out looking around and kind of excited to see me and you know they have been hibernating for a week..well she and her husband tells me..dee dee did you see the cops out "no my eyes bucking and shit" .she goes- "Yea there were 3 guys out here with ski masks on and guns trying to kill me and we called the cops and they arrested them" (they have called the cops so much they dont even come out here) me- "i'm like no way(now i know that shit ain't happen,i keep telling y'all they a lil different/slow or something,so i'm trying not to laugh at this point but egging em so she like..(dead ass serious) i got a threat on fb that somebody gone come and shoot me and my husband. They hid in the attic (i know they ass was funky).chile it took everything in me not to laugh..i was like are you for real..she was like yes..i said how long was y'all hiding in the attic? she say for a couple of days. Me- i had no words but. they was serious as hell i think they have to be schizophrenic cause they see all kinds of shit i don't see or hear out here and i just be fucking with em too haha i told her she better get back in the house before they come back..chile they flew in that m'fer and lock the door hahaha o lord forgive me but they drive me crazy some times hahaha.They prolly crawled rite back up in that lil ass attic lol.


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