Thursday, August 14, 2014

American Citizens vs Militarized Police Forces!

  1. President Obama needs to step the F#$k up and send the National Guard to Ferguson and help them..The militarized cops are out of control..they have taken there id's and name tags off..shot two protesters last night,claiming they had a gun..reporters are being tear gassed,The Cops (KKK) are lying all on national t.v them m'frs are making up shit as they go, damn what is it going to take..Ferguson police has declared war on the protester's brothers and sisters white and black are fighting back..i read they are throwing cocktails at they crooked ass. They think they God,Above the law. There's some deep rooted hatred there y'all i'm thinking there's alot of undercover (KKK )Uniformed police in that predominately black town.

     I don't see George Bush sitting back and watching this shit go down or Bill Clinton..who the hell did we help put in office..i'll tell ya..a fucking imposter..will the real President of the United States Please step the fuck up!!!!


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