Friday, October 31, 2014

When the condom breaks...

LADIES: let me fill you in on something.... he knew that condom broke. He knew it the instant it happened. He had a decision to make at the very moment....he chose to keep going. It started feeling so good that animal instinct took over. There are few men out there that are disciplined enough to pause the show right when the killer is about to be revealed. I admit, it's hard.....literally, but that superstition about condoms breaking from the sheer force of a man's ejaculation is fucking bullshit. Unless he's Chuck Norris. You've been had, you've been took! Run a muck! Lead ashtray! That condom broke 2 minutes, 17 seconds, and 2 pumps before he came.....yep, you're pregnant..... off to the OBGYN/Planned Parenthood you go....and as for him? He's trading war stories with the crew.


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